Post by cjmPost by Emily GreenI myself am Visually impaired and am used to using ZoomText 8.0, but I
am building my site using FrontPage 2002, I only could afford this
software. I test in Firefox 1.0 and am new to using Frontpage.
Is there any tips anybody could give me to make this thing not look
like crap.
Espicially, Jake, I have read a lot of your posts.
Er... ditto to the above.
Emily, it's good that you are thinking about accessibility from the outset,
since it's a lot easier if you do it from the start.
I'd recommend HTML-Kit - it's free and doesnt have any of the
nasty-code-generating WYSIWYG stuff the Frontpage and the like have. You
need to learn basic HTML, then learn how to style using CSS, then read about
accessibility guidelines (WCAG, WAI etc)... and only then can you start your
real development.
There is no shortcut to producing a good, usable, accessible site. That
said, it's easy enough to do....
Check out for basic HTML/CSS tutorials, then google for
WAI/WCAG/Bobby to find accessibility info.
I use a plain text editor (or sometimes a sed or awk script or a batch
file) to edit my web pages -- both the public ones and the private ones
for my own use.
For information on making things accessible, this site may be of help:
"Dive Into Accessibility"
Download your own zipped copy of "Dive Into Accessibility" as HTML:
(also available as a PDF file.)
A lot of good HTML information can be found here:
Their "Help file Distribution Page" at:
includes zipped copies of HTML and CSS references for download so they are
available for your reference even when you are not on line:
"HTML 4.0 Reference - Zipped HTML"
"CSS Guide - Zipped HTML"
"HTML 3.2 Reference - Zipped HTML"
My own amateur HTML Sampler page has two sections with
accessibility-related links:
"Designing an Accessible Web Site"
"Validation and Accessibility Checking"
I hope some of that helps.
">> consider moving away from Front Page...."
">To what? Any suggestions?"
"Naked bungee-jumping. It's less humiliating <g>"
-- Matt Probert in alt.www.webmaster, March 20, 2005